Friday, March 03, 2006

Mid-life Crisis Career Change

Thai Cookery Class
Originally uploaded by maujb.
The food in Thailand is absolutely beautiful! With the hot and tangy crunchy mango and papaya salads, the creamy spicey coconut curries and soups, and the flavorful fried rice dishes one might think we were approaching our Argentina level of girth. But the flavors of fresh basil, lemon grass, kir lime leaf, galangal, ginger and chilies of all colors, and varieties seem to have fat melting properties. Also the Singha beer is amazingly enough, FAT-FREE!

Inspired by the fabulous flavors and the complete dearth of Thai restaraunts in the U.S., Don has decided to open a Thai-Argentine restaraunt in Portland.


At March 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. It's impossible to find a Thai restaurant in the US. What gives?

At March 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just what the world needs, another white guy cooking pad thai and macadamia nut encrusted ceerimps for $25.95.

At June 09, 2008, Blogger Alejandro. said...

Hey guys,
please contact us for some Thai-Argentine ideas, and advice on travelling to Patagonia!
Alejandro & Molly


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