Monday, July 17, 2006

Latourell Falls on Don's Birthday

We started Don's birthday off by visiting some of the local natural beauty of our new home town. Don, Gen and Maureen drove out to the Historical Highway to visit all the picturesque waterfalls. Here's Don and Gen at Latourell Falls, the first of 6 waterfalls. Latourell Falls is 249 feet, ain't no Iguazu but pretty nonetheless.

We didn't get any further than this waterfall because upon return to the car we found broken glass and discovered we were robbed. Mau's purse was stolen with her wallet, IDs, credit cards, phone, checkbook, journal from the trip, fingernail clippers and chapstick. After traveling around the world for a year and only having tiny combo locks protecting all our belongings it was ironic to return to the US and have a purse stolen from a locked car armed with an alarm. Isn't it ironic . . . don't ya think?

It was the beginning of a lovely birthday.


At July 17, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*^#$ing Americans. Good thing you were in a blue state! Welcome home anyway! ScottE


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